Catholic Action by L H Mettananda
Below is the important and brave book, Catholic Action by L H Mettananda. A reply to the Catholic Union of Ceylon. The book was published by The Bauddha Jatika Balavegaya (BJB) in 1963. It has been transferred to digital format and edited by this sites administration. This has required some minor adjustment to its format and the diagrams have been re-created as closely as possible to the original but in a contemporary format.
We would like to acknowledge some key people who contributed to the book during its writing. Gunaseela Vithanage, Founder and Secretary of the BJB, worked with L H Mettananda in creating the book while contributions were made by Nissanka Wijeyaratne, a Civil Servant and Historian, and Professor K.N. Jayatilleke.
To read the book please click on the link below. You can also download it as a PDF file.
Catholic Action by L H Mettananda
Letters, Papers and Speeches by L H Mettananda
Bellow is a selection of important letters, speeches and papers by the late L. H. Mettananda. Click on the title to open the PDF file for reading and downloading. (Some scanned documents below may take longer to download)
The Ethics of the Language Problem
Sinhalese As The Only State Language Of Ceylon
Microscopic Minority Controls Ceylon’s Education
Letter to Esmond Wickramasinghe, Director of Lake House Groups of Newspapers
(Letter from Esmond Wickremasinghe, responded to above)
The Factors Detrimental to the Peace of Buddhism in Ceylon
An Open Letter To The Prime Minister
Have Our Leaders Any Self Respect?
Mother Tongue As Medium Of Education
Different Aspects of Educational Medium
The World Bank Mission Report On Education
A Tribute to the Late Mr F L Woodward
The Setting for a Dictatorship
The Battle of Vested Interests Against National Welfare
Are New Laws The Reply To Marxist Agitation?